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Environmental impact
of the offshore oil and gas industry
Author: Stanislav Patin, Ph.D. * Translator: Elena Cascio, Ph.D.
ISBN 0-9671836-0-X * Hardcover * 425+xi pages * 6x9
Publication Date: December 1999 * LCCN 99-73791
List price: $199.00 (US funds)
Description * Synopsis * Contents *
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BOOK INDEX (continued): PAGE 2 (C-D)
Caspian Sea, 3, 4, 21
fisheries affected, 342
gas hydrate accumulations in, 12
gas levels in water of, 227
gas seepage in, 245
early developments in, 13-14
oil and gas in, 4, 17, 21, 128
oil levels in
organisms, 160
sediments, 156
surface waters, 149, 151
oil pollution of, 14
oil spills in, 87
platforms as artificial reefs, 100
pollution effects in, 119
produced waters from, 81, 282
Chlorinated hydrocarbons, 35, 40-41
water levels of, 43-44
Chronic contamination and long-term environmental effects, 103-104, 335-343, 345-346
Chukchi Sea, oil and gas, 17, 18
Coastal zone, 2, 139, 331, 332 see also Shelf and coastal zone
Commercial resources, industry effects on, 343-351
Condensate see Gas condensate
Contamination, background, see Background contamination
Continental shelf, 1, 8-9, 17, 22
ecofisheries mapping of, 378
see also Shelf and coastal zone
Crude oil see Oil and oil hydrocarbons
Cuttings, 65, 71, 276
Cuttings discharges,
amount of, 68-69, 72
areas affected, 277
biocides in, 77
chemical composition of, 71, 73-77, 276
cleaning and disposal of, 71-72
environmental impact of, 77
heavy metals in, 77-78
oil in, 71, 73, 276-277
requirements to, 369
toxicity of, 276-279
fisheries affected by, 95-96, 99
Decommissioning of offshore installations, 53, 55, 92, 97-103
legal requirements to, 98-99
options available, 92, 98-103
subsea pipelines, 99
see also Abandonment of offshore installations
Demersal fish, 345
oil taint in, 347
Developments, offshore, 7-23
characteristics and trends of, 7-13
ecological implications of, 303-348
fisheries implications of, 303-348
history of, 7, 13-14
main stages of, 53-60
regional aspects of, 13-21
worldwide, 7, 14
Deviational drilling, 66-67, 75
Diesel-based drilling muds, 74, 256, 260
see also Oil-based drilling fluids/muds
composition of, 68-82
one-time discharges, 82
on Russian shelves, 68
regular, 68-81, 103, 334-335
requirements to, 368-371
sources of, 68-73
volumes of, 68-73
see also Cuttings discharges; Drilling discharges; Drilling muds discharges; Pipeline discharges; Produced waters discharges
Discharges-based requirements, 368-371
Dispersants, 286-289
limitation of, 288-289
requirements to, ecofisheries, 377
toxicity of, 289, 291-293
see also Spill-control agents
Dispersion of oil, 287-288
Dissolution of oil, 138
Diversity of bottom fauna, 319
effects of oil on, 320-321, 323
Drilling accidents see Accidents
Drilling cuttings see Cuttings discharges
Drilling discharges
composition of, 73-77
drilling cuttings, 276-279
drilling fluids components, 263-276
drilling muds, 256-276
monitoring of, 385-386
requirements to, 368-371
sources and volumes of, 68-81
toxicity of, 255-279
see also Cuttings discharges; Drilling muds discharges
Drilling fluids/muds,
biocides in, 76-77
composition of, 72, 73-78
corrosion inhibitors in, 76-77
ecotoxicology of, 256-276
emulsifiers in, 76-77
environmental hazard of, 72, 77, 314
function of, 65-66, 75-77
heavy metals in, 77-78
lubricants in, 72-73, 76
pH-control additives in, 76-77
toxicity of, 256-276
see also Diesel-based drilling muds; Oil-based drilling fluids/muds; Synthetic-based drilling fluids; Water-based drilling fluids/muds
Drilling fluids components, 72, 73-78
MPC of, 264-275
Drilling muds discharges
amount of, 68-69, 73, 256-276
requirements to, 369
Drilling cuttings discharges see Cuttings discharges
Drilling and production activities
accidents during, 85-87
deviational drilling, 66-67
discharges during, 68-82
impact of, 55, 94-97, 306
requirements to, 375
steps and operations during, 65-68
Drilling units, 65
Drilling waste disposal, 72
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